
Deputy Commissioner

The Tengnoupal District Administration is headed by the Deputy Commissioner(DC)/Tengnoupal. The DC is the executive head of the district. The DC also acts as the Collector in case of Revenue matters, as District Magistrate in case of maintenance of Law and Order and General Administration, as District Election Officer in case of conduct of Election, and so on. The Deputy Commissioner is aided by a number of officers like Additional Deputy Commissioners (ADC) Moreh, Sub-Divisional Officers (SDOs) of three subdivisions namely Machi, Moreh, and Tengnoupal, Sub-Deputy Collectors (SDCs), and various District Level Officers of the district.  As the executive head, D.C. plays a vital role in coordinating with all developmental heads of the district for all-around developmental activities under various programs/projects.

An important aspect of District Administration is the maintenance of law and order, to give proper security, and to safeguard the lives and properties of the citizen. As the District Magistrate, the DC is assisted by Additional Deputy Magistrate, Sub-Division Magistrates, and other Executive Magistrates to maintain law and order in the district. The District Magistrate keeps a close link with the Superintendent of Police (SP) in this regard. In the district, the Superintendent of Police is the head of the Police Administration.

For the purpose of general and developmental administration, the Tengnoupal district has been divided into 3 (three) Sub-Divisions namely Machi, Tengnoupal and Moreh.